this should cover all general art questions you might have or similar
if not you can also ask me through most of my socials
paint tool sai 1 for everything, azpainter2 for filters or backgrounds and for my gifs
i don’t use custom brushes
i have a wacom intuos pen s, for traditional art i just use pens, markers and highlighters
yes, you dont need to ask, credit is not necessary but appreciated
you can repost my art with credit, ask first before reposting it on these websites: instagram, twitter, tumblr
yes, 99% of the time ,but also 99% of the time there is a queue so ask first
i can try to explain i guess, you can message me about it and ill try my best, im not really a good teacher since i just use muscle memory for art
you can leave a request in my inbox/dms if you want, but i can’t promise ill draw it asap, or ever
yes please, if you are unsure about something you can ask, just don’t draw them being injured or hurt by other people or in sexual situations
drawing them with your ocs is super cool with me
make sure to send it to me cuz id love to see it
they are neither of these things, bunny is a “project”, their website is supposed to be for the character and from their point of view and for their story to develop while i try to learn how to code in renpy or how to edit video, but since they are meant to be interacted with with a reader/player, having them engage in social media is the most i can do now
because "meatbutcher" or "meatknife" or similar weren't available, and tumblr is not an art blog for me so i don't care about being tonolov there. i don't know what "meat sex" is, i said i was going to make a series of drawings based on it but i never did, maybe some day